Ce n'est pas son psak personnel mais bien celui qui est retenu par le O.U.
Voici un récent échange de mail:
Rav Belsky says that we need to make a stronger case that only Dagim Tehorim can be received.
Rabbi Nachum Z. Rabinowitz
Rabbinic Coordinator
11 Broadway
New York, NY 10004
Fax 212-613-0706
[email protected]
-----Original Message-----
From: Rav Wolff
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 12:53 PM
To: 'Rabinowitz, Rabbi Nachum'
Subject: RE: New Application from Rabbi Wolff for Halieutis
Dear Rav Nohum,
For Rabbi Belsky's haskome in principe for skinless fish, on the boat there
is no other fish
We are sourcing from vertically integrated harvester and processor based in Dutch harbor and Akutan island.
This is to ensure that the fishing vessel is catching only pollock and one
percent bycatch of pacific cod and salmon.
The fishing vessel delivers its catch to the plant and has to declare the
weight and the total by catch to the fishing authorities of the port.
No chance of non Casher fishes in the plant. The processor has a key role
in demonstrating traceability and the respect of sustainable fishery
I'll be in touch with you after,
Eliezer Wolff
Concernant le saumon vous avez raison, sa couleur est un siman mouvhak uniquement conjugué avec sa largeur. En effet la saumonette, poisson à chair rose non casher, est très fin.