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" As-Salam aleikum etc...
I simply typed in Hebrew נביא אחמד בישעיהו (i.e. prophet Ahmed in Isaiah) and it suddenly showed up to me a 1559 edition of Zohar by Vicenzo Conti.
עלך ותאנא מאי דכתיב שוש אשיש בה' בעהיק יומין אחמד דהא הוא חדוותא ישעיה ס נדכלא 'האבא בשעחא דאתנלי תאי אורחא דדיקנ'ד עתיק יומין כלחומארי
The text however, is writen in difficult and obscure way (even scholars has observed). There is an abvious error in בעהיק where ת was wrongly mistook as ה
You can put this Hebrew text into Google translator if you wish.
Lien de la page en question:
Unfortunately, I ’am not able to understand all of the Hebrew text, since as I've said it is written in a difficult way, but I can recognize the words: כתיב (it is written), בה' בעהיק יומין (through/by him in ancient of days), אחמד (ahmad), ישעיה (Isaiah), and כלחו (sent ?). Now, it is interesting to note that the two expressions תיק יומין in the entire Old Testament appears only in Daniel 7:9 and 7:13 in connection with the Son of Man (literally = ben Adam = Son of Adam) who was to be presented before the Throne of God. It can be only prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and no one else! So, the fact of using such specific words standing together is a curious indication that could reveal the shocking truth behind this Zohar book which according to some scholars is the same book that was disappeared 1,800 years ago, and after long time was discovered in Spanish in 13th cent.
Sounds exciting isn't ? For this reason I have asked a Rabbi Ben Abrahamson to help us explain what the text says, I'am waiting for his answer.
Also, if you type מחמד (Mohammed) it will suprisingly show one result, and it is in ספר דברים (Deuteronomy) ! Subhanallah!
The natural reaction of a typical Jew or Christian who hates any relationship with Islam and Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) in their scripture will be that: he will try to disprove the authenticity of any document which can testify to the prophethood of Mohammed and reliability of his advent from the Bible in general. Perhaps that’s why aroused so much controversy around this document between Jewish and Christian scholars. Those who dislike Islam, when read this Zohar book, begin to understand that these words אחמד and מחמד makes a danger allusion to the Arabic names Ahmed and Mohammed, and they are afraid that in the near future some Muslim will find it. It is quite possible.
I will write more about this topic insha'Allah when I'll get new info.
Take care, and salam
Ahmed (Poland, Warsaw)"
Bravo pour la curiosité.
Vous repasserez pour essayer de me convaincre par contre.
Ce qui est très drôle c'est de voir à quel point les interprétations sont ridicules pour une personne qui lit l'hébreu. Je ne parle même pas de l'intelligibilité des pseudo-explications. J'ai envie de vous dire: demandez à un arabe israélien ou à un catholique hébraisant de vous lire les mots en question....
C'est pitoyable de nullité intellectuelle et très drôle pour un lecteur hébraïsant.